Monday, 17 January 2011

Domestic Bins Reveal Environmental Sins

May we wish happy new year to those of you who will be helping to create a Brighter Bebington in 2011.

We're sorry that our updates to you have slowed down recently. Our nephew who loads things onto the blogger for us has gone off to start an Environmental Science course at Inverness College. He'll still be helping us out when he can tear himself away from his studies!

Can we start the new year by urging residents to make a point of challenging their neighbours about any failure to use their grey recycling bins. During the recent Siberian weather many of our bins went unemptied for weeks and stayed out on the pavement. The opportunity to witness the contents of many of our neighbours bins left us dismayed! Clearly too many people still think it's okay to throw everything into the green bin and further mis-use our Country's limited landfill!

We called at offending neighbours homes and discussed this with them. We got mixed responses, but overall thought it worthwhile. We'd very much urge you to do the same with your neighbours if you witness a similar care-free attitude to rubbish.

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