Thursday, 5 July 2012

Wardens Patrol to Keep Clean Your Shoe Sole

We're still volunteering far from home and with rare contact with the world wide web or ability to send electronic mail. Were just passing this poste restante and saw a computer through the window!

Just wanted to celebrate - we got a card from a relative back in sunny Bebington which mentioned that eventually, after years of us writing to the Council -  Poo Patrol Wardens have been introduced across the area! We are told that if you use Google to look for the words - wirral poo patrol - then there are details of the plans!

We can't tell you how many public meetings there have been where we have put our hands up to talk about dog umsk! Our public footpaths blighted by inconsiderate mutts (that's the owners you understand)! Our very best wishes to those who will now be patrolling with fixed penalty fine book in one hand, and scoop and paper bag in the other.

Sunday, 22 January 2012

Stop These Bin Sins

Really pleased that not only did the Wirral Globe (11 January) see the sense of publishing our response to a previous ill-considered letter, but that another reader supported our stance. Thanks Wirral Globe for giving a voice to those of us who speak out against our wasteful consuming society!

(Sorry for such a long hiatus in posts - been volunteering for a project with limited access to electricity - let alone electronic communications!)